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Links: Technical Debt

Today's prototype is tomorrow's legacy code. - me, probably.

Some of these via an intriguing Mastodon thread:

Simple Product Management Tricks

"Timeboxing is powerful because it approaches estimation from a different direction. Instead of 'how long will X take?', timeboxing asks questions like, 'what can we do in two weeks?'"

Tech debt metaphor maximalism:

"Tech debt, in its simplest form, is the time you didn't spend making tasks more efficient. When you think of it that way, it's obvious that zero tech debt is a silly choice."

Understanding the risk profile of your technical debt

"If we think of the time and effort to make changes to the codebase as the interest rate, we align to the notion of risk. If it takes a lot of time, a lot of effort, manual steps, etc., then it's also riskier and more error-prone. Remember: interest rates are an expression of risk."

3 Kinds of Good Tech Debt

"This mental model has helped me avoid spending foolishly and paying in maintenance for a system I couldn’t afford, and it’s given me a way to see opportunities to use tech debt intentionally. Here are a few cases where taking on tech debt helped my projects succeed."

Quantifying Technical Debt

"Having a discussion about technical debt is a luxury. Being able to talk about technical debt implies success. You cannot immediately blow up the product in question because people are using it and paying for it."